Author: Sita

  • Can You Do Yoga Under the AC?

    Can You Do Yoga Under the AC?

    Despite being around for over 5,000 years, it seems like yoga is still getting more popular every day. Like any form of exercise, the temperature of the room is going to have an effect on your experience of the workout. But can you use an AC to cool down during yoga? You can do yoga…

  • Yes, You Can Do Yoga Without a Mat: Here’s How!

    Yes, You Can Do Yoga Without a Mat: Here’s How!

    A lot of people would recommend that you use a mat whenever you do yoga. However, yoga mats are fairly expensive, which might lead some people to wonder if they can do yoga without them. It is possible to do yoga without a mat, as long as you are willing to make certain adjustments to…

  • Should Yoga Make You Sore?

    Should Yoga Make You Sore?

    You might expect to feel some aching or soreness after a heavy workout since your muscles are tired from being pushed hard and are working to repair themselves. But it is not only a heavy weight lifting session or cardio that can make you sore. Yoga is designed to work your muscles, sometimes harder than…

  • Can You Do Yoga Twice a Day or Is It Too Much?

    Can You Do Yoga Twice a Day or Is It Too Much?

    Yoga comes in many shapes and forms, all of which make great additions to an exercise routine. But too much of any exercise can cause injury, and it’s important to know what your limits are in order to stay safe and healthy. Is it too much to do yoga twice a day? You can do…

  • Is It Okay to Do Hot Yoga Every Day?

    Is It Okay to Do Hot Yoga Every Day?

    Hot yoga is a fitness technique that involves practicing yoga in a hot, humid environment to encourage muscle flexibility and enhance the health benefits of yoga. The benefits to your heart, mind, and immune system are significant, but there are also risks of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Some worry that practicing hot yoga every day…

  • 10 Cool Alternatives to Cobra Pose

    10 Cool Alternatives to Cobra Pose

    Yoga is one of the most popular forms of exercise, with millions of people all over the world practicing every day. One of the first poses that you may learn is Cobra Pose, an asana that opens your chest and stretches your spine. Cobra Pose is an incredibly versatile pose- but what if you need…

  • How Many Hours Do Yogis Practice?

    How Many Hours Do Yogis Practice?

    Yogis are essentially experts at yoga, so they naturally practice yoga more than most. Being a yogi means committing to your practice in mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is a very personal journey, so the time spend by yogis practicing can vary. The number of hours that a yogi practices is determined by lifestyle and…

  • Too Weak for Chaturanga? Here’s What You Can Do

    Too Weak for Chaturanga? Here’s What You Can Do

    Chaturanga is the most dreaded pose. You know that you’re too weak to stay up or move gracefully into it. You’ll move through this pose as quickly as possible in avoidance of frustration and as a way of not belly-flopping on your mat. Most people feel too weak for chaturanga because it requires strength from…

  • Downward Dog 101: How to Do It and Why It Is Essential

    Downward Dog 101: How to Do It and Why It Is Essential

    Downward dog is interchangeably called downward-facing dog or in Sanskrit, adho muhka svanasana. Downward dog is an essential part of any yoga practice. For beginners and experts, downward dog can be a difficult pose to master. Downward dog is considered a resting pose and is simple to explain to others. To get into downward dog,…

  • Are Private Yoga Lessons Worth It?

    Are Private Yoga Lessons Worth It?

    One of the most effective ways to tailor yoga to your body is to hire a private yoga instructor. Yoga can help you reduce your stress level while also getting your body into better shape. However, if you are new to practicing yoga, getting extra attention from a private lesson can help you learn the…