Author: Sita

  • Does Yoga Help or Cause Vertigo?

    Does Yoga Help or Cause Vertigo?

    If you are someone who suffers from vertigo or finds that dizziness or potential nausea is constantly keeping you from living your life, maybe it’s time to look into potential ways to make it better and hopefully prevent it. Surprisingly, one of those ways happens to be through the practice of yoga. Yoga is a…

  • Downward Dog vs. Mountain Pose: What’s the Difference?

    Downward Dog vs. Mountain Pose: What’s the Difference?

    The downward dog and mountain pose are some of the common but confusing poses you’ll encounter in yoga. You must distinguish the two poses to perform them in great form and harness their benefits. The difference between the downward dog and mountain pose is in the back-hands alignment and head position. In the down dog,…

  • Are Pilates and Yoga Mats Actually the Same?

    Are Pilates and Yoga Mats Actually the Same?

    Yoga and Pilates are valid alternatives for health-conscious people but prefer a more relaxed approach to fitness. While neither of the two disciplines requires much equipment, buying the right mat is essential – especially because you are bound to spend the whole class on it! Pilates and yoga mats are similar, but they have important…

  • Yoga and Ketogenic Diet: Benefits, Considerations, and Tips for Best Combinations

    Yoga and Ketogenic Diet: Benefits, Considerations, and Tips for Best Combinations

    If you have started your keto journey and you are also practicing yoga, there are good chances that you have already experienced some health benefits—maybe you didn’t even realize that the reason behind them lies in this powerful combination of lifestyles. Our minds and body are more interconnected than we usually realize. Still, the benefits…

  • Can Inflexible Guys Do Yoga?

    Can Inflexible Guys Do Yoga?

    Yoga is focused on building strength, endurance, and flexibility, and many people new to the exercise, such as inflexible men, worry that they won’t be able to keep up with the demands of yoga poses. Inflexible guys can do yoga because several kinds of yoga are specifically made for beginners and focused on improving stretching.…

  • This Is Why You Feel Sleepy After Yoga

    This Is Why You Feel Sleepy After Yoga

    Yoga is known to invigorate and increase the energy levels in the body. But some people say that they often find themselves feeling tired and even drowsy after the yoga sessions. There could be many underlying reasons for this, and it might just be a little unfair to solely blame yoga. You feel sleepy after…

  • 10 Differences Between Yoga and Stretching

    10 Differences Between Yoga and Stretching

    When having any conversation about yoga, you will often notice stretching mentioned in the same context. Even for experienced yoga practitioners, separating yoga from stretching seems like a rather fine line to draw. Practically speaking, however, are stretching and yoga all that different? There are plenty of elements of yoga that are not included when…

  • Can You Do Yoga After Drinking Tea?

    Can You Do Yoga After Drinking Tea?

    Yoga is much like any other sport or exercise, as it requires you to warm up and work your body and has many health benefits. A good yoga class will help you to increase flexibility and muscle strength, maintain a balanced metabolism, and improve cardio and overall strength. Staying hydrated with water can be a…

  • Why Do I Feel Sick After Yoga?

    Why Do I Feel Sick After Yoga?

    Yoga is a physical and mental practice with numerous health benefits. However, it can make you feel sick if you aren’t taking the proper steps before and during your session. You may feel sick after yoga if you eat right before your session. Eating foods high in saturated fat or not eating anything can also…

  • Can You Do Yoga in a Waist Trainer?

    Can You Do Yoga in a Waist Trainer?

    A waist trainer is worn around the midsection and is designed to reshape your body. However, before deciding to wear this garment, it is essential to know that a waist trainer may not be effective or even safe. Exercising in a waist trainer may not be as comfortable as it seems. You can do yoga…