Why Are Yoga Teachers So Skinny?




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You may have seen a lot of super skinny and physically fit yoga teachers. Even most devout practitioners of the art are pretty slim. It makes one wonder why yoga teachers are so lean.

Yoga teachers are so skinny because the discipline promotes fitness and attracts health-conscious people. Moreover, being fit conveys the right image and attracts more paying students as it fits the ‘yoga’ brand.

In this article, you’ll find answers to many questions you might have regarding yoga teaching. You’ll learn the reasons behind fitness among yoga teachers, whether teaching yoga is a promising career and if you should take yoga teacher training.

Yoga Teacher Fitness: A Brief Overview

While being slim isn’t a must for teaching yoga, it’s considered the standard among the public. As a result, most teachers may want to be skinny to project the right image. That has more to do with marketing than instruction practice.

You don’t have to be a certain size just to be something that you have always dreamed of because it’s okay to start from the beginning physically and skill-wise. Either you are a size zero model or a beautiful curvy woman, “You can do whatever you want, and be whoever you want to be.”

Coming to the point that why are many girls who do yoga so thin? Well, it’s because of what yoga is about. Yoga teaches one discipline, a better way of life, and control over their mind and body. So many people who do yoga in their day to day life have more control over their weight; no matter how skinny or curvy they are, their main focus is to be healthy from within.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and routine can result in losing a few pounds or even gaining them. More specifically, many people who do yoga live a vegan lifestyle, which also adds up to their healthy living. They have pretty strict diets and an active daily routine.

And when you talk about yoga, it’s essential to know what it means and what it brings to the table. When you start doing yoga, it not only demands stretching and all that physical stuff, but it also requires your mental peace. It helps you relieve any stress and mental issues and to work on yourself inside out.

That is why you need to follow a proper and strict diet to lead a more healthy life. It doesn’t only help you to be healthy but also brings peace to mind and soul. So, nope, you can’t say that all the yoga teachers are skinny, but instead, you can say that all the yoga teachers are more healthy and youthful.

Do You Have To Be Skinny To Be a Yoga Teacher?

Is it really necessary to be a certain size to be something that you have always dreamed of? Well, this isn’t how it works. You can be of any size, shape, color, and gender, no matter what you are willing to be or which industry you are willing to join, because such things should not matter. The only thing which matters is your dedication and how much you are devoted to your work.

Not all yoga teachers are skinny, and neither you have to be thin to become one.

It’s a pervasive myth that you need to be of some particular shape or size to become something. And when it comes to yoga, it’s all about loving yourself and the body you are in. Not all yoga teachers are skinny, and neither you have to be thin to become one. It’s a diverse platform, which has every type of person you can think of.

Yoga focuses on teaching yourself to be a better individual, love and take care of yourself and your mental peace, and, most importantly, not compare yourself with others. A fun fact is that many yoga teachers are mothers who have given birth multiple times; now, you may ask why is it important to highlight that?

Because you give birth to a child, your hips widen and, in many cases, don’t go back to their original shape. So it’s normal to be of any shape and size. What matters is that they are fit and healthy. Many students believe that their yoga teacher has to be skinny and all, but it’s just a myth.

Yoga teaches one to live a healthy lifestyle and to have more positivity in their daily life. When you do so, you may or may not lose some weight because of your lifestyle change, but it’s completely normal. You can be of any size, color, or gender to enter the yoga industry or even just any sector at all.

Can a Beginner Do Yoga Teacher Training?

Many studios and classes offer yoga teacher training, either for beginners and someone who already has some knowledge about yoga teacher training. You may have different thoughts before starting a yoga teacher training or even questioning yourself if you are good enough?

Or if you can achieve that? These are some common questions that one can have in mind before starting their training, but it’s always to do your research. Before you sign up for the intensive training programs, it’s important to know the basics and be comfortable with those.

Not that you have to be an expert, but you should know what you are looking forward to and all the basics. So it’s great to gain some experience and knowledge by signing up for shorter programs, first.

Many of the programs demand some basic understanding before signing up for a 200-hour yoga teacher training, so it’s better to prepare yourself according to that, rather than being disappointed by the end. Prepare yourself for the more significant test and practice as much as you can.

You have to be real with yourself and not have high expectations because you may disappoint yourself. It’s not going to be every other day when you will accomplish everything you do, expect yourself to fail, and make some mistakes.

It’s okay to make mistakes as you will be able to learn from them. It may take some time and a lot of patience, but you will surely get there if you dedicate yourself to that. Take one step at a time and be kind to yourself, as it will be a lot to take in as a beginner. Because it’s a road to self-development and it involves a lot, then your necessary learning skills.

You have to be committed to investing your whole self in training to become a yoga teacher, because again, it’s all about becoming a better individual, mentally and physically. It’s essential to find yourself a perfect yoga teacher training program after learning all the basics from a short program.

So make sure you are investing in the right one. Different studios and different classes offer a 200-hour yoga teacher training program, but no matter where you go and to whom, keep in mind that everyone’s style will differ.

So it’s best to go through or ask them about how they will teach it, or what will be their steps or schedule, so you know what you are signing up for. Many people focus more of their time on teaching asana, and many others focus on yoga philosophy and meditation, so it’s best to sign up for a program that teaches you both so that you don’t get left out on anything.

Guide to Becoming a Yoga Teacher: How To Prepare Yourself

The number of yoga teachers is increasing by every other day, and if you are willing to become a part of them, you should gain some knowledge about how you can do that. You can become a yoga teacher to improve your yoga practice.

You may also want to impact others by teaching them yoga. Suppose you have committed yourself to become a yoga teacher. In that case, it’s necessary to learn everything you can from your yoga teacher training because then you will be perfectly able to spread correct knowledge to others. You can either make a career out of your yoga teacher training or even just strengthen your own practice.

It’s essential to do your research. You should know what you are getting yourself into and how you will be able to make it. You have to be very precise about every step that you take, from finding an outstanding yoga teacher training program to working on your own self to become a better one for others.

If necessary, try taking different yoga teacher training to gain more knowledge. Work on yourself and educate yourself through various sources, as it will play a huge role. Focus on your training. Before starting to train others, it’s great to focus on yourself first to have a better understanding.

Practice as much as you can, as it will help you in the future and give you some time to work on yourself. When doing so, it’s important to know about all the legal steps that you may have to take to get yourself registered.

You can never have enough knowledge about something, so don’t limit yourself to only teaching once you officially become a yoga teacher. Keep your learning process going, as it’s a big world out there, and you can never know enough about it.

You can also take specialized courses to take your level up. Be yourself and make your own rules and ways to do things. You are different from others, and so should your teaching be, don’t remodel yourself on other teachers and their way of teaching; make your way. Teach according to your personal style and whatever you find comfortable and useful for your students.

When starting your journey, it’s great to take some time to reflect on yourself. To know and ask why you want to do this, why you want to make such a significant change in your own life and others too. Yoga is all about self-development and how to become a better individual. So, take some time, reflect yourself and then gear up to take this long road.

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Tips Every Yoga Teacher Needs To Know

The grind never stops. First, all the struggle to learn about yoga teacher training and now when you become one, how to be the best for your students and, most importantly, yourself. Becoming a yoga teacher is not that easy. It comes with a lot of responsibility and its own struggles.

There will be days when it’s all rainbows and unicorns and some others when you will just feel like you are not good enough to do. The key to keeping on with your journey is to be dedicated and to know there will be days that will be hard for you, but quitting is never the answer to anything.

However, some tips may help you in this long journey. When you are teaching others, it’s essential to keep your own practice going. Practice as much as you can and learn from wherever you can. You can never have enough knowledge about anything, so it’s important to keep looking for more ways to increase your knowledge.

Avail every other opportunity to teach; no matter how tight your schedule is, always make time for teaching. You can lead a whole class or even teach just one person, but do it and don’t hold yourself back, convey your instruction to others and help them in their journey.

Remember to give yourself some breaks. It’s important for yoga to allow your mind and body to relax. Don’t load a lot of things on yourself. Take one step at a time; it is equally vital for you as it is for your students.

You can also record yourself to see and improve your teaching skills. You will be able to point out the things that you should avoid doing and will be able to add more things. Teach your students about all the challenges you faced, as it will help them in their journey, and you will also be able to look at yourself and how far you have come.

It’s important to appreciate yourself. By doing this, you will also have a better understanding of your students, and they will be more comfortable around you. Tell them what poses you found difficult for yourself and how you succeeded at doing them.

Trust the process. Know that it will take some time, but slowly with effort, you will get there. Speak clearly and communicate as much as you can with your students. It will help them be more open to you, and you will understand them more.

Be your own self, follow your own style and do it your way. Don’t try to follow others and how they do it. Believe in yourself. Plan your classes as it will help a lot. Try to be punctual and avoid being late. Start your lessons on time.

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Is Yoga Teaching a Good Career

If you are willing to choose yoga instruction as your career, it’s a great choice with the potential for fulfillment. It’s an ancient art. By yoga, you get to teach people about self-development, and you also get to work on yourself. You learn to be fit and healthy and get to lead a youthful and healthier lifestyle.

It focuses not just on your physical health but also on your mental health and peace. You don’t only get to teach yoga poses but also helps others to work on themselves. You get to maintain a healthy and heartfelt connection with the people and nature itself.

Final Thoughts

By becoming a yoga teacher, you prioritize a healthy lifestyle and can guide others who are struggling. So it’s great to continue your career as a yoga teacher because it will not only help you become a better individual, but you will also get to guide others and show them a path to self-discovery and development.


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