Can You Do Yoga on Carpet?




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In today’s world full of daily stressors, health and wellness have taken priority in many lives. Physical activities focused on mental and emotional healing, like yoga, have become synonymous with stress relief and general wellness. Finding space within your life, and living room, to perform daily energy-boosting vinyasas can provide adequate aid to a hectic day. But if your living room is covered in carpet, can you still practice yoga effectively? 

Yoga can be practice anywhere—including on carpet. While yogis frequently use yoga mats in studios with hardwood floors, the location and equipment you choose for yourself will depend on your environment, physical needs, and expected benefits. 

As you decide on the best space for yoga in your home, remember that the individuality of practicing yoga and the needs of your body should be taken into consideration. For example, finding a quiet space may not be as important as finding one that puts less stress on certain joints or body parts. Using your carpet for practice has pros and cons that can affect factors like these, which we’ll explore more throughout this article.  

Benefits of Practicing Yoga on Carpet

In some traditional centers for yoga practice, some areas are carpeted and used in place of yoga mats for yogis with years of training. For beginners, a yoga mat is typically recommended to encourage balancing on an even floor. However, for more experienced yogis with a strong physical foundation, the carpet may be just as suitable. 

Some believe that using a yoga mat forces you to practice flexibility over strength and core engagement—which could be achieved by practicing on the carpet. In other words, there is an excellent benefit in ditching the use of a yoga mat and concentrating on carpet based exercise as the traction of the rug could allow you to modify your activities to reflect strength training and muscle building. 

In addition, one part of basic yoga is developing a distinct presence and using it as a time for reflection. Because of the focus on inward meditation and practice, it’s essential to have your bubble or safe space to use when completing your daily vinyasa. And what can make you feel more comfortable than soft carpet? 

In summary, the benefits of practicing yoga on the carpet include:

  • Greater core engagement
  • Increased muscle training
  • Low to no-cost for starting your practice
  • A safe, comfortable place for discovery
  • Improved balance over time
  • Potential for less strain on joints (depending on the type of carpet)

Cons of Practicing Yoga on Carpet

A disadvantage of practicing yoga in-home, and on the carpet, is that space is much larger and doesn’t provide a sectioned off area for practice. Without this set boundary, it can be challenging for some to reflect and stay within your head, free of distractions. 

Another downside is that specific types of carpet may not be suitable for practicing yoga on. A high-quality carpet with more excellent cushion may be suitable for working on your poses; however, an older carpet may be more damaging to your muscles and cause more considerable strain. Older carpets tend to have imperfections causing the surface to be unleveled, which increases the risk of harm for even the most well-practiced yogis.  

Like other areas, when working out, it’s important to remember that having a clean space is necessary to prevent rashes and illnesses. When using the carpet as opposed to a yoga mat, you’re exposing yourself to whatever the carpet has picked up, including dirt, potential dander from pets and people, and many other potentially unknown germs that may be lurking within your carpet.

Where Do Yogis Usually Practice?

Many beginners prefer to take classes to inspire their journey with the direction of a well-versed, certified instructor. Where they practice typically has clean, hardwood floors with yoga mats.

There are a few reasons yoga studios choose hardwood floors instead of alternative flooring like carpet, such as: 

  • Easier to clean – After a rigorous yoga session, there is likely to be sweat on the floor, and a hardwood floor is easier to clean and sanitize. 
  • Less likely to trap allergens – As mentioned in the previous section, a carpet’s fibers are more likely to hold onto dust and other allergens from the air. Not the case with a hardwood floor. 
  • Beneficial for beginners – A harder surface allows new yogis to learn how to balance on flat, even surfaces with ease. 
  • Durable for wear over time – Hardwood floors tend to last much longer than carpet, which makes them ideal choices for studios that often hosts yoga classes. 

Where Should You Practice Yoga at Home?

With so many beginner guides online and readily available tools in the home, there are many access points to fulfill your at-home, beginner needs. To create your own, at-home spot, it can help to pick the comfiest location in your home (no, this doesn’t include the couch or bed). Next, determine what will be most conducive as a clean and flat surface, with access to cushion that will best benefit your body and movement. 

For many, the carpet in your cozy living room would be the perfect starting ground to develop your beginner practice as it is most likely the room with the most area for movement. 

Depending on the type of carpet you have here, you still may want to use a yoga mat on the surface. Not only will it encourage stability, but it has a flat surface for you to work on if you’re a beginner. Note, however, that the mat you choose to use may slip on the carpet’s surface if it doesn’t have a strong enough grip. 

Alternatively, if you don’t have a yoga mat, you can place a towel down over your carpet instead. Its texture can prevent friction and sliding, similarly to a mat. 

Which Floor Type is Best for Me?

As you can see, both hardwood flooring and carpet both have their own set of pros and cons, but they’re not for everyone. When deciding which surface is best for your practice, consider the following: 

  • How is my balance? 
  • Do I need a level surface?
  • Where are my physical pain points?
  • What goal am I interested in first: balance or strength?

Hardwood floors have the benefit of increasing balance first, acting as a natural support for beginners. Carpet, in contrast, helps you develop strength first, with a balance over time. It also provides the body with extra cushion to avoid increased pain.

Ultimately, what you use depends on the results you want and your comfort levels. 


Yoga is a practice and art that allows you to have the freedom of individual expression, develop a clear and healthy mind, and use movement that encourages energy and personal development. One of the most accessible parts of yoga is that it is so individual to you, and you’re able to do it wherever you are most comfortable, including on the carpet of your home. 

While it is possible to practice yoga on the carpet, whether you should depends on your experience level, your physical condition, and the goals you seek to achieve from yoga. If your balance is not stable and you’re new to yoga, chances are it is best to stick to a hard surface with a yoga mat for practice. 

However, if you have a strong core balance and want to work on your strength or if you have specific pain points of your body that are more relieved when on a soft surface, then the carpet is the way to go. 

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