Category: Yoga Business

  • Buying Yoga Studio Software: 7 Things You Need To Know

    Choosing the right software is one of the most critical decisions you’ll need to make for your yoga studio business. The right software can streamline handling administrative tasks like attendance tracking, employee management, billing, client communication, and retail sales, and much more. But to realize all these and many more benefits, you need to make…

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  • How To Teach Yoga Online: 8 Things You Need To Know

    As many live classes have transitioned to online platforms, many yoga teachers are finding themselves online teachers for the first time. In this age of the pandemic, yoga teachers have often had no choice but to figure out how to use these new platforms as they go. Luckily, we’ve compiled everything you need to know…

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  • Mindbody Software for Yoga Studios: Our Review and Experience

    For those who have dreamed of one day owning their own yoga studio, this dream often comes from a desire to spread the joy that they have found through the practice of yoga. The reality of business management may not have been part of the original motivation; however, there are plenty of business management platforms…

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  • How To Start a Successful Yoga Business in the Studio and Online

    You might have heard people say that you should turn your passion into profit. And if yoga happens to be that passion, then the road may seem pretty straightforward: there’s a lot of demand for yoga training. Still, starting your own business can be complicated, and to do so in a competitive market like yoga…

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